第二十章: 数据装载 SQL Loader
1、sql loader :将外部数据(比如文本型)数据导入oracle database。(用于数据导入、不同类型数据库数据迁移)
2、sqlloader 导入数据原理:在段(segment 表)insert 记录 1)normal :将记录插入到segment的HWM(高水位线)以下的块,要首先访问bitmap ,来确定那些block 有free space 2)direct: 将记录插入到segment的HWM(高水位线)以上的从未使用过的块,加快插入速度 3)sql loader 帮助 C:\Documents and Settings\liqx>sqlldrSQL*Loader: Release - Production on 星期四 8月 11 13:57:10 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
用法: SQLLDR keyword=value [,keyword=value,...]有效的关键字:
userid -- ORACLE 用户名/口令
control -- 控制文件名 log -- 日志文件名 bad -- 错误文件名 data -- 数据文件名 discard -- 废弃文件名 discardmax -- 允许废弃的文件的数目 (全部默认) skip -- 要跳过的逻辑记录的数目 (默认 0) load -- 要加载的逻辑记录的数目 (全部默认) errors -- 允许的错误的数目 (默认 50) rows -- 常规路径绑定数组中或直接路径保存数据间的行数 (默认: 常规路径 64, 所有直接路径) bindsize -- 常规路径绑定数组的大小 (以字节计) (默认 256000) silent -- 运行过程中隐藏消息 (标题,反馈,错误,废弃,分区) direct -- 使用直接路径 (默认 FALSE) parfile -- 参数文件: 包含参数说明的文件的名称 parallel -- 执行并行加载 (默认 FALSE) file -- 要从以下对象中分配区的文件 skip_unusable_indexes -- 不允许/允许使用无用的索引或索引分区 (默认 FALSE) skip_index_maintenance -- 没有维护索引, 将受到影响的索引标记为无用 (默认 FALSE)commit_discontinued -- 提交加载中断时已加载的行 (默认 FALSE)
readsize -- 读取缓冲区的大小 (默认 1048576) external_table -- 使用外部表进行加载; NOT_USED, GENERATE_ONLY, EXECUTE (默认 NO T_USED) columnarrayrows -- 直接路径列数组的行数 (默认 5000) streamsize -- 直接路径流缓冲区的大小 (以字节计) (默认 256000) multithreading -- 在直接路径中使用多线程 resumable -- 启用或禁用当前的可恢复会话 (默认 FALSE) resumable_name -- 有助于标识可恢复语句的文本字符串 resumable_timeout -- RESUMABLE 的等待时间 (以秒计) (默认 7200) date_cache -- 日期转换高速缓存的大小 (以条目计) (默认 1000)PLEASE NOTE: 命令行参数可以由位置或关键字指定
。前者的例子是 'sqlload scott/tiger foo'; 后一种情况的一个示例是 'sqlldr control=foo userid=scott/tiger'.位置指定参数的时间必须早于 但不可迟于由关键字指定的参数。例如, 允许 'sqlldr scott/tiger control=foo logfile=log', 但是 不允许 'sqlldr scott/tiger control=foo log', 即使 参数 'log' 的位置正确。C:\Documents and Settings\liqx>
4、sqlldr 应用
1)模拟生成数据源 --------- 建立脚本emp.sql [oracle@work sqlldr]$ more emp.sql set heading off set feedback off set time off set linesize 120 set pagesize 0 set echo off set trimspool off spool /home/oracle/sqlldr/emp.dat select empno||','||ename||','||job||','||mgr||','||hiredate||','||sal||','||comm||','||deptno from scott.emp; spool off;SQL> @/home/oracle/sqlplus/emp.sql
SP2-0310: unable to open file "/home/oracle/sqlplus/emp.sql" SQL> @/home/oracle/sqlldr/emp.sql SQL> set heading off SQL> set feedback off SQL> set time off SQL> set linesize 120 SQL> set pagesize 0 SQL> set echo off 7369,SMITH,CLERK,7902,17-DEC-80,8000,,20 7499,ALLEN,SALESMAN,7698,20-FEB-81,1600,300,30 7521,WARD,SALESMAN,7698,22-FEB-81,1250,500,30 7566,JONES,MANAGER,7839,02-APR-81,8000,,20 7654,MARTIN,SALESMAN,7698,28-SEP-81,1250,1400,30 7698,BLAKE,MANAGER,7839,01-MAY-81,2850,,30 7782,CLARK,MANAGER,7839,09-JUN-81,2000,,10 7788,SCOTT,ANALYST,7566,19-APR-87,2000,100,10 7839,KING,PRESIDENT,,17-NOV-81,2000,,10 7844,TURNER,SALESMAN,7698,08-SEP-81,1500,0,30 7876,ADAMS,CLERK,7788,23-MAY-87,8000,,20 7900,JAMES,CLERK,7698,03-DEC-81,950,,30 7902,FORD,ANALYST,7566,03-DEC-81,8000,,20 7934,MILLER,CLERK,7782,23-JAN-82,2000,,10--------查看数据源
[oracle@work sqlldr]$ more emp.dat 7369,SMITH,CLERK,7902,17-DEC-80,8000,,20 7499,ALLEN,SALESMAN,7698,20-FEB-81,1600,300,30 7521,WARD,SALESMAN,7698,22-FEB-81,1250,500,30 7566,JONES,MANAGER,7839,02-APR-81,8000,,20 7654,MARTIN,SALESMAN,7698,28-SEP-81,1250,1400,30 7698,BLAKE,MANAGER,7839,01-MAY-81,2850,,30 7782,CLARK,MANAGER,7839,09-JUN-81,2000,,10 7788,SCOTT,ANALYST,7566,19-APR-87,2000,100,10 7839,KING,PRESIDENT,,17-NOV-81,2000,,10 7844,TURNER,SALESMAN,7698,08-SEP-81,1500,0,30 7876,ADAMS,CLERK,7788,23-MAY-87,8000,,20 7900,JAMES,CLERK,7698,03-DEC-81,950,,30 7902,FORD,ANALYST,7566,03-DEC-81,8000,,20 7934,MILLER,CLERK,7782,23-JAN-82,2000,,102)导入表emp1
12:12:20 SQL> analyze table emp1 compute statistics;Table analyzed.
12:12:50 SQL> select table_name,num_rows,blocks,empty_blockS from user_tables 12:12:56 2 where table_name='EMP1';TABLE_NAME NUM_ROWS BLOCKS EMPTY_BLOCKS
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ------------ EMP1 0 4 412:12:57 SQL>
3)普通模式导入 建立控制文件 [oracle@work sqlldr]$ vi emp.ctlload data
infile '/home/oracle/sqlldr/emp.dat' insert //insert 插入表必须是空表,非空表用append into table emp1 fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"' ( empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, comm, sal, deptno)执行导入(normal)
[oracle@work sqlldr]$ sqlldr scott/tiger control=emp.ctl log=emp.logSQL*Loader: Release - Production on Thu Aug 11 12:18:36 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Commit point reached - logical record count 14
[oracle@work sqlldr]$ more emp.logSQL*Loader: Release - Production on Thu Aug 11 12:18:36 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Control File: emp.ctl
Data File: /home/oracle/sqlldr/emp.dat Bad File: emp.bad Discard File: none specified (Allow all discards)Number to load: ALL
Number to skip: 0 Errors allowed: 50 Bind array: 64 rows, maximum of 256000 bytes Continuation: none specified Path used: ConventionalTable EMP1, loaded from every logical record.
Insert option in effect for this table: INSERTColumn Name Position Len Term Encl Datatype
------------------------------ ---------- ----- ---- ---- --------------------- EMPNO FIRST * , O(") CHARACTER ENAME NEXT * , O(") CHARACTER JOB NEXT * , O(") CHARACTER MGR NEXT * , O(") CHARACTER HIREDATE NEXT * , O(") CHARACTER COMM NEXT * , O(") CHARACTER SAL NEXT * , O(") CHARACTER DEPTNO NEXT * , O(") CHARACTER Table EMP1: 14 Rows successfully loaded. 0 Rows not loaded due to data errors. 0 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed. 0 Rows not loaded because all fields were null. Space allocated for bind array: 132096 bytes(64 rows) Read buffer bytes: 1048576Total logical records skipped: 0
Total logical records read: 14 Total logical records rejected: 0 Total logical records discarded: 0Run began on Thu Aug 11 12:18:36 2011
Run ended on Thu Aug 11 12:18:37 2011Elapsed time was: 00:00:00.59
CPU time was: 00:00:00.09 [oracle@work sqlldr]$ exit exit验证:
12:18:51 SQL> select * from scott.emp1;EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL COMM DEPTNO
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 7369 SMITH CLERK 7902 17-DEC-80 8000 20 7499 ALLEN SALESMAN 7698 20-FEB-81 300 1600 30 7521 WARD SALESMAN 7698 22-FEB-81 500 1250 30 7566 JONES MANAGER 7839 02-APR-81 8000 20 7654 MARTIN SALESMAN 7698 28-SEP-81 1400 1250 30 7698 BLAKE MANAGER 7839 01-MAY-81 2850 30 7782 CLARK MANAGER 7839 09-JUN-81 2000 10 7788 SCOTT ANALYST 7566 19-APR-87 100 2000 10 7839 KING PRESIDENT 17-NOV-81 2000 10 7844 TURNER SALESMAN 7698 08-SEP-81 0 1500 30 7876 ADAMS CLERK 7788 23-MAY-87 8000 20 7900 JAMES CLERK 7698 03-DEC-81 950 30 7902 FORD ANALYST 7566 03-DEC-81 8000 20 7934 MILLER CLERK 7782 23-JAN-82 2000 1014 rows selected.
12:18:57 SQL>
12:19:45 SQL> analyze table emp1 compute statistics;
Table analyzed.
12:19:54 SQL> select table_name,num_rows,blocks,empty_blockS from user_tables
12:20:04 2 where table_name='EMP1';TABLE_NAME NUM_ROWS BLOCKS EMPTY_BLOCKS
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ------------ EMP1 14 4 412:20:12 SQL>
-----数据源和控制文件在一起 [oracle@work sqlldr]$ vi emp.ctl load data infile * append into table emp1 fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"' ( empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, comm, sal, deptno) begindata 7369,SMITH,CLERK,7902,17-DEC-80,8000,,20 7499,ALLEN,SALESMAN,7698,20-FEB-81,1600,300,30 7521,WARD,SALESMAN,7698,22-FEB-81,1250,500,30 7566,JONES,MANAGER,7839,02-APR-81,8000,,20 7654,MARTIN,SALESMAN,7698,28-SEP-81,1250,1400,30 7698,BLAKE,MANAGER,7839,01-MAY-81,2850,,30 7782,CLARK,MANAGER,7839,09-JUN-81,2000,,10 7788,SCOTT,ANALYST,7566,19-APR-87,2000,100,10 7839,KING,PRESIDENT,,17-NOV-81,2000,,10 7844,TURNER,SALESMAN,7698,08-SEP-81,1500,0,30 7876,ADAMS,CLERK,7788,23-MAY-87,8000,,20 7900,JAMES,CLERK,7698,03-DEC-81,950,,30 7902,FORD,ANALYST,7566,03-DEC-81,8000,,20 7934,MILLER,CLERK,7782,23-JAN-82,2000,,10[oracle@work sqlldr]$ sqlldr scott/tiger control=emp.ctl log=emp.log
SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Thu Aug 11 12:23:32 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Commit point reached - logical record count 14
[oracle@work sqlldr]$ more emp.logSQL*Loader: Release - Production on Thu Aug 11 12:23:32 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Control File: emp.ctl
Data File: emp.ctl Bad File: emp.bad Discard File: none specified (Allow all discards)Number to load: ALL
Number to skip: 0 Errors allowed: 50 Bind array: 64 rows, maximum of 256000 bytes Continuation: none specified Path used: ConventionalTable EMP1, loaded from every logical record.
Insert option in effect for this table: APPENDColumn Name Position Len Term Encl Datatype
------------------------------ ---------- ----- ---- ---- --------------------- EMPNO FIRST * , O(") CHARACTER ENAME NEXT * , O(") CHARACTER JOB NEXT * , O(") CHARACTER MGR NEXT * , O(") CHARACTER HIREDATE NEXT * , O(") CHARACTER COMM NEXT * , O(") CHARACTER SAL NEXT * , O(") CHARACTER DEPTNO NEXT * , O(") CHARACTER Table EMP1: 14 Rows successfully loaded. 0 Rows not loaded due to data errors. 0 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed. 0 Rows not loaded because all fields were null. Space allocated for bind array: 132096 bytes(64 rows) Read buffer bytes: 1048576Total logical records skipped: 0
Total logical records read: 14 Total logical records rejected: 0 Total logical records discarded: 0Run began on Thu Aug 11 12:23:32 2011
Run ended on Thu Aug 11 12:23:32 2011Elapsed time was: 00:00:00.23
CPU time was: 00:00:00.07 [oracle@work sqlldr]$ !exit exit exit12:23:43 SQL> select * from scott.emp1;
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 7369 SMITH CLERK 7902 17-DEC-80 8000 20 7499 ALLEN SALESMAN 7698 20-FEB-81 300 1600 30 7521 WARD SALESMAN 7698 22-FEB-81 500 1250 30 7566 JONES MANAGER 7839 02-APR-81 8000 20 7654 MARTIN SALESMAN 7698 28-SEP-81 1400 1250 30 7698 BLAKE MANAGER 7839 01-MAY-81 2850 30 7782 CLARK MANAGER 7839 09-JUN-81 2000 10 7788 SCOTT ANALYST 7566 19-APR-87 100 2000 10 7839 KING PRESIDENT 17-NOV-81 2000 10 7844 TURNER SALESMAN 7698 08-SEP-81 0 1500 30 7876 ADAMS CLERK 7788 23-MAY-87 8000 20 7900 JAMES CLERK 7698 03-DEC-81 950 30 7902 FORD ANALYST 7566 03-DEC-81 8000 20 7934 MILLER CLERK 7782 23-JAN-82 2000 10 7369 SMITH CLERK 7902 17-DEC-80 8000 20 7499 ALLEN SALESMAN 7698 20-FEB-81 300 1600 30 7521 WARD SALESMAN 7698 22-FEB-81 500 1250 30EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL COMM DEPTNO
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 7566 JONES MANAGER 7839 02-APR-81 8000 20 7654 MARTIN SALESMAN 7698 28-SEP-81 1400 1250 30 7698 BLAKE MANAGER 7839 01-MAY-81 2850 30 7782 CLARK MANAGER 7839 09-JUN-81 2000 10 7788 SCOTT ANALYST 7566 19-APR-87 100 2000 10 7839 KING PRESIDENT 17-NOV-81 2000 10 7844 TURNER SALESMAN 7698 08-SEP-81 0 1500 30 7876 ADAMS CLERK 7788 23-MAY-87 8000 20 7900 JAMES CLERK 7698 03-DEC-81 950 30 7902 FORD ANALYST 7566 03-DEC-81 8000 20 7934 MILLER CLERK 7782 23-JAN-82 2000 1028 rows selected.
12:23:47 SQL> analyze table emp1 compute statistics;
Table analyzed.
12:23:51 SQL> select table_name,num_rows,blocks,empty_blockS from user_tables
12:23:52 2 where table_name='EMP1';TABLE_NAME NUM_ROWS BLOCKS EMPTY_BLOCKS
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ------------ EMP1 28 4 412:23:54 SQL>
~4) 直接导入(direct)12:28:23 SQL> analyze table emp1 compute statistics;
Table analyzed.
12:28:26 SQL> select table_name,num_rows,blocks,empty_blockS from user_tables
12:28:27 2 where table_name='EMP1';TABLE_NAME NUM_ROWS BLOCKS EMPTY_BLOCKS
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ------------ EMP1 268 8 0[oracle@work sqlldr]$ vi emp.ctl
load data
infile * append into table emp1 fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"' ( empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, comm, sal, deptno) //字段的类型和记录的类型和顺序必须一致。 begindata 7369,SMITH,CLERK,7902,17-DEC-80,8000,,20[oracle@work sqlldr]$ sqlldr scott/tiger control=emp.ctl log=emp.log direct=y
SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Thu Aug 11 12:28:55 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Load completed - logical record count 1. [oracle@work sqlldr]$ !exi exit exit12:28:58 SQL> analyze table emp1 compute statistics;
Table analyzed.
12:29:01 SQL> select table_name,num_rows,blocks,empty_blockS from user_tables
12:29:02 2 where table_name='EMP1';TABLE_NAME NUM_ROWS BLOCKS EMPTY_BLOCKS
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ------------ EMP1 269 9 712:29:03 SQL>
---虽然只导入了一条记录,但oracle又重新给我们分配了一个新的extent(8 个blocks)